- The two families are akin. 这两家有血统关系。
- The two families are separated only by a wall. 这两家只有一墙之隔。
- The two families are on intimate terms. 两家关系挺近。
- The meeting between the two families was a joyful one. 这两家人的聚会十分愉快。
- The two families are at war with each other. 两家彼此不和。
- Relations between the two families are strained. 两家关系紧张。
- The two families were now on the best of terms. 现在两家相处得非常之好。
- The two families were knit together by marriage. 这两个家族由婚姻而结合。
- The two families are knited together by common interests. 这两家族因共同的利益而结合在一起。
- The two families are closely related to each other by marriage. 这两个家庭由于婚姻关系而紧密联系在一起。
- The two families are knitted together by common interests. 共同的利益把这两个家族结合在一起。
- The two families are knit together by common interests. 这两家族因共同的利益而结合在一起。
- The two families are on good terms and often visit each other. 他们两家关系不错,常常走动。
- The children of the two families are trying to smooth over a lengthy feud. 这两家的晚辈在试图缓解长久的世仇。
- The fates of the two families were closelybound up. 两家人的命运息息相关。
- The two families are near akin. 这两家是近亲。
- The fates of the two families were closely bound up. 两家人的命运息息相关。
- The two families were working busily to make this match . 两家都为这门婚事忙碌着。
- The two families were working busily to make this match. 两家都为这门婚事忙碌着。
- He havn't talked to his parents in law for several years for the two families are not folksy. 由于两家不和,他已经多年不和岳父母说话。